Starting a Business

Accountancy and tax support for starting and growing your own business

Sole Traders

At VFMAccountants, we offer several accountancy solutions to assist you as a sole trader. Although being a sole trader is one of the simplest ways to get started in business, there are many processes that need to be followed.

Limited Companies

One trading option for a business is to operate as a limited company. This will provide access several tax planning strategies and limited liability status.


VFMAccountants are ideally positioned to make life simple for you by helping you with your accountancy and tax requirements as a contractor.

Limited Companies

One trading option for a business is to operate as a limited company. This will provide access several tax planning strategies and limited liability status.


VFMAccountants offers a great range of property tax advice specifically for landlords or those with second properties.

Employed Individuals

As an employee you tend to meet all of your responsibilities to the UK tax regime using the PAYE system